

 *Fun Facts* (added by lotusintheshadows)

1. Yoochun is the lazy one in the group. 

2. Junsu wakes everybody up in the morning with his video games.

3. Changmin is a crybaby.

4. Junsu is an uncle.

5. Yoochun is from the U.S. but was born in Korea.

6. Jaejoong is the "mom"; he cooks. 
(在在是團里的媽咪﹐他會下廚 )

7. Yunho is the leader.

8. The house in "Ocean's 12" is the house in Miduyo.
(電影 Ocean's 12 的屋子在 Miduyo ) 

9. Yoochun's family currently lives in Virginia. 

10. Yoochun has had a lot of girlfriends. 

11. They watch Korean dramas when they can/have time.

12. Junsu, Yunho, and Yoochun are all ambidextrous. 
好厲害哦!!!! 我也想能雙手並用。。。

13. Jaejoong and Yoochun both dropped out of high school. 

14. They both used to smoke.

15. Jaejoong wants to marry a fan- he believes that he`ll end up marrying a fan anyway.

16. Junsu wants a bright girl with a positive outlook of the world. Yoochun thinks it`s because Junsu is a negative person.

17. Yoochun doesn`t want to get married. (Junsu disagrees...he thinks that he MUST get married...)

18. Jaejoong wants 2 daughters and 1 son while Junsu wants 2 sons and 1 daughter. Yunho wants 5 sons and 20 daughters - Junsu says "Think of your wife!" and Jaejoong says "Are you trying to kill somebody?"
(在在想要2個女兒﹐1個兒子。秀秀要2個兒子,1個女兒。浩浩要5個兒子﹐20個女兒。 - 秀秀叫他想想老婆﹐在在說你想殺人嗎??? )

19. Yunho wants a girl who is assertive and has senses - someone who can guide him.
(浩浩希望女友是個有主見﹐有知識的女生 - 要能領導他 )

20. Changmin wants to marry someone who is girly and who will attach herself easily because he is shy and quiet.

21. Yunho`s message to his future son is "I love you".

22. Junsu thinks that dating and marriage are the same thing because he sees the girl he`s dating as his future wife. He has to like the girl that much (enough to see her as a hopefully Mrs. Kim Junsu) in order for him to date her - he doesn`t want to date just anyone. He`ll date her to a point where he wants to marry her. (Changmin agrees with him.)
(秀秀覺得談戀愛和結婚是相同的事情﹐因為他談戀愛都是以結婚當前提。他一定要夠喜歡她 ( 把她看成以後的金俊秀太太 ) 才會跟她談戀愛 - 他可不是隨便談戀愛的哦。 一定會交往到結婚為止 。 老小也認同這個想法 )

23. Junsu likes to use his hand as a pillow.

24. Jaejoong made Changmin show off his body in their Hiyaya single.

25. Yunho sleeps diagonally on his bed.

26. Jaejoong was laughed at because of his puberty stage--his voice would crack and his friends would laugh at him each time he sang.

27. Yunho got rejected by a friend that he came to like. He asked her out and lit 100 candles. She told him she only wanted to be friends.

28. Junsu was suppose to debut earlier, but due to puberty...he lost his voice. He would always go and scream hoping his voice would come back.

29 Before debut, Max would make up excuses as to why he missed class. Each time it was always a relative's funeral and when he couldn't make that up he'd say something else. No one was curious because Max has a wide range of relatives. : )

30. Micky likes to sleep listening to music on his walkman. He tends to drop it, so at nighttime Junsu might get hit with a walkman or book or something. (That was when they had bunkbeds...)

cr to lotusintheshadows and elune @ soompi


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